Post by Android 21 on Jan 18, 2024 23:21:30 GMT -5
Were you referred?: Bulma
Discord Name: UrukBye
Starting Character: Android 21 | 'Vomi'
Starting Planet: Earth
Character Race: Android
Starting Stat Distribution: (Canons = 8,000 points) (Customs = 7,000 points)
Starting Trait Distribution: (5 points)
Starting Technique: Energy Wave
One Finger Blast
Power Blast
Razor Swipe
Starting Fighting Style: N/A
Starting Stat Bonus: N/A
Character Bio: Her backstory kind of varies, and 21 herself doesn't even technically know it - sometimes, she claims to have been converted into an Android by Dr Gero, and other times claiming to be a new type of bio-android, superior even to Cell. What is known is the cells of numerous powerful warriors, as well as intelligent researchers, were added to her, making her a crazy complex hybrid of different races and people. She also has a great hunger, powerful enough that she developed a split personality, with the good side constantly fighting the bad side to keep her from trying to devour everyone in her path.
Character Picture:
Sample RP: Had she known that Qarl was a snitch, she would have punctured his suit ages ago and left him to rot. But he'd never given her reason not to trust him; every quarian she'd ever met was so kind and humble, so Bug just assumed they were all that way. So naturally, that was the furthest thing from her mind at the moment.
Main priority: tracking her feeds. She had eyes all over Omega in the form of personal accounts, terminals, extranet history, etc., all of which she could hack with pretty much zero effort. It was almost unfair. And, if she was being honest, her ego was a little inflated currently. Not even two days prior, Bug and Qarl had pulled off their biggest - sorry, her biggest - feat yet; they stole literal thousands of credits from the queen of Omega herself. Aria T'Loak owned everything and everyone there, and even the most important rule of Omega was 'don't fuck with Aria'.
Yet Bug had done it; she'd done it and left no trace of herself behind for anyone to find. They had enough credits to last them a lifetime and then some.
She was still a little high on adrenaline, listening to music while her terminal kept track of everything. Qarl had gone out to get a few bottles so they could celebrate - probably some dextro stuff again for himself and something heavily caffeinated for her - while Bug lounged around the apartment in her underwear, a t-shirt, and not much else.
The sudden sound of her door being forced open made her jump, but she was too frozen to move. It was Aria and her lackeys. Bug wasn't a brave soul, part of why she did her deeds in secret, so this was pretty much the worst possible thing that could have happened to her right now. Wide eyes glanced fleetingly at Qarl, just barely coming into view behind the batarian and the turian guards before turning her gaze to Aria as the asari stepped to the front of the group. "I-..."
What was she even going to say? Qarl totally ratted on her. And of all the people for him to snitch to...
Discord Name: UrukBye
Starting Character: Android 21 | 'Vomi'
Starting Planet: Earth
Character Race: Android
Starting Stat Distribution: (Canons = 8,000 points) (Customs = 7,000 points)
- Strength: 2,000
- Speed: 1,000
- Toughness: 2,000
- Stamina: 2,000
- Vitality: 1,000
Starting Trait Distribution: (5 points)
- Determination: 2
- Charisma: 1
- Intelligence: 2
Starting Technique: Energy Wave
One Finger Blast
Power Blast
Razor Swipe
Starting Fighting Style: N/A
Starting Stat Bonus: N/A
Character Bio: Her backstory kind of varies, and 21 herself doesn't even technically know it - sometimes, she claims to have been converted into an Android by Dr Gero, and other times claiming to be a new type of bio-android, superior even to Cell. What is known is the cells of numerous powerful warriors, as well as intelligent researchers, were added to her, making her a crazy complex hybrid of different races and people. She also has a great hunger, powerful enough that she developed a split personality, with the good side constantly fighting the bad side to keep her from trying to devour everyone in her path.
Character Picture:
Sample RP: Had she known that Qarl was a snitch, she would have punctured his suit ages ago and left him to rot. But he'd never given her reason not to trust him; every quarian she'd ever met was so kind and humble, so Bug just assumed they were all that way. So naturally, that was the furthest thing from her mind at the moment.
Main priority: tracking her feeds. She had eyes all over Omega in the form of personal accounts, terminals, extranet history, etc., all of which she could hack with pretty much zero effort. It was almost unfair. And, if she was being honest, her ego was a little inflated currently. Not even two days prior, Bug and Qarl had pulled off their biggest - sorry, her biggest - feat yet; they stole literal thousands of credits from the queen of Omega herself. Aria T'Loak owned everything and everyone there, and even the most important rule of Omega was 'don't fuck with Aria'.
Yet Bug had done it; she'd done it and left no trace of herself behind for anyone to find. They had enough credits to last them a lifetime and then some.
She was still a little high on adrenaline, listening to music while her terminal kept track of everything. Qarl had gone out to get a few bottles so they could celebrate - probably some dextro stuff again for himself and something heavily caffeinated for her - while Bug lounged around the apartment in her underwear, a t-shirt, and not much else.
The sudden sound of her door being forced open made her jump, but she was too frozen to move. It was Aria and her lackeys. Bug wasn't a brave soul, part of why she did her deeds in secret, so this was pretty much the worst possible thing that could have happened to her right now. Wide eyes glanced fleetingly at Qarl, just barely coming into view behind the batarian and the turian guards before turning her gaze to Aria as the asari stepped to the front of the group. "I-..."
What was she even going to say? Qarl totally ratted on her. And of all the people for him to snitch to...